The Skin: its function, myths and legends.

The largest organ in the body is the skin. Perhaps you have come up with this question in a crossword puzzle or in a board game. Well, it's true, the skin is the largest organ in our body, even more than the small intestine. This protective layer begins to form very early from when we are just an embryo and differentiates itself to later fulfill functions of temperature regulation, water and fat storage; protect us from the environment, bacteria, viruses, and to allow us to feel, that is, it becomes a sensory organ.

There are many genetic variations that will determine the type of skin we will have, such as its pigmentation, thickness, hydration level, sensitivity and reactivity. Taking care of the skin from environmental factors, having a balanced and healthy diet and compensating for the deficiencies that we may have due to genetics, is key to protecting this mantle that covers us and that is affected by each of the decisions we make daily such as the work stress, physical activity, exposure to pollutants, among others, without taking into account the variable that we cannot control: the passage of time.

R&D knows that not everyone has the same routine and we ourselves change our routine from time to time. That is why we develop products designed for each of our skin's needs at certain moments in our lives, with the purpose of taking the skin to the best possible point at each of these moments.

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