Skin Beauty. What is it and how does it connect to R&D?

When we think of "Skin Beauty" a white model comes to mind, with perfect skin, without pores, luminous, in a bright and natural environment. Well, believe me, there is nothing natural in that photo.

The skins are so different that there would not be enough tones or textures to pigeonhole and classify them, and that difference is what makes it really beautiful and unique. There are advantages and disadvantages in each of them, but the important thing is that each of the skins can be at 100% of its potential. Just imagine black skin completely homogeneous in its pigment, hydrated, luminous. Did you see her? Now think of an indigenous skin on which the sun and life have not left their mark. Do you see how her cheekbones cut with a beam of light the homogeneity of the brown of her skin? Let's go now to something less frequent in our environment... A redheaded teenager. Wow! Look at each of her freckles forming a constellation of light brown pigment across the middle third of her face, striping from cheekbone to cheekbone as it spans across the bridge of her nose.

Rabbits & Dragons knows the diversity of skin and recognizes that each one is exposed to different lifestyles; each of these has different needs, but they converge in the desire to seek skin health, to be the best possible for each case and at all times. So Skin Beauty is to give the care that the skin deserves, taking into account the scientific evidence, the safety and the eco-sustainability of the components to be used; simplifying the number of products to apply and merging comfortably into the daily routine, but also making us get out of this routine to occasionally become a ritual.

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